2019 Summer League

Registration for the summer of 2019 is open!

Games will be on Wednesday evenings starting 6:30 PM at the Williamsville ECC field space beginning May 29th through August 14th.

Please provide your information through the LeagueApps BUSL site.  The portal is open for individuals to register.  The summer season is open to registrants under the age of eighteen.  Please note the following (and reach out to me if you cannot navigate your way through things):

  • I have not linked a payment portal for credit and debit cards, but LeagueApps will take users through initial steps to pay online – Please ignore those prompts on the ‘Payment’ tab of the registration sequence.  Even though you cannot proceed to the ‘Confirmation’ tab, you are registered. You will appear as owing the fee until I receive a check, cash, or electronic payment directly from you and then update the site myself.  The current cost of $40. I do accept PayPal and Venmo, so please reach out to me to request contact details if necessary. Payment of the league fee does not in part or in full represent USA Ultimate membership at the youth, collegiate or open player level.
  • Even though the registration site has its own default ‘waiver’ I will need a completed USA Ultimate waiver from everyone.  If you are an active USA Ultimate member with an up to date waiver, then I will accept documentation of that status.  However the easiest thing is to simply provide me with a freshly signed one for the summer league.
  • Under 18 Info: Players who are under the age of eighteen at the start of the season must provide a medical authorization form completed by a parent or guardian.  The ability to open play up to minors depends on volunteer chaperones.  If you have already completed background screening, I will request confirmation from you.  For further information refer to the USA Ultimate guidelines for chaperones.
  • Players register individually and will be assigned to teams in an effort to balance gender ratios, expected attendance and skill levels.  I have added a pairing request text option for spouses, siblings, newbies to be linked to another person. This is not intended to be a mechanism to shape entire teams. Remember that everyone will be at the same general location at the same time … plus expanding one’s social circle is a valuable exercise.

The aim of the Buffalo Ultimate Summer League is to provide a fun, inclusive, spirit-of-the-game focused environment.  While scores and standings are kept, experienced players are strongly encouraged to share their skills and knowledge of the game with new or beginning players to grow the overall interest and love of the game.

I look forward to seeing you out on the fields!

Please contact me, Joe Weber, if you have any questions or concerns: jweber@buffaloultimate.org